How to Scale Your Business with Minimal Effort

If you want your business to grow, at some point you’ll have to think about scaling it. Scaling it isn’t exactly the same as growing it, though they are often used interchangeably. Growth refers to adding resources and increasing your revenue in a linear fashion. You double your number of offices to double your number of customers, for example. Scaling means increasing your revenue without a substantial increase in the…  Read more

4 Tips to Improve Your Business Negotiation Skills

Owning your business requires many skills, and among the most important might be the ability to manage negotiations. As a business owner, you could find yourself negotiating in many circumstances, such as: Salary and job expectations with a potential employee Financing terms with a lender Payment terms with a supplier Lease or property agreements Equipment agreements. Your ability to negotiate will have an impact on your financial situation, which is…  Read more

Why Bookkeeping is Crucial to Your Success

Keeping track of sales, earnings, expenses, and purchases is fundamental to the overall health and sustainability of your business. Effective bookkeeping produces the data you need to evaluate your current practices, anticipate challenges, and set attainable future goals. But despite their proven importance, many business owners dread and avoid accounting tasks. In fact, 40% of surveyed entrepreneurs claim that bookkeeping is one the worst parts of running a business! Wondering…  Read more

4 Ways to Make the Most of Business Down Time

Every business experiences slow periods when the market for their goods or services lessens and sales drop. Business owners might be tempted to view down times as unproductive or wasted, but there are ways you can make the most of your business during these seasons. Here are four ways to ensure this time isn’t wasted. Take a good look at your business When things are busy it gets easy to…  Read more

Workable New Year resolutions

New Year resolutions – we’ve all made them, and broken them − often before the end of January. There’s something about New Year celebrations that makes us yearn for a fresh start, but is there a way to make that desire for change more permanent? Here’s a twist that can make your resolutions more durable, more beneficial and less prone to that embarrassing quick fade. Align goals to your business…  Read more

What are your small business New Year resolutions?

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on what’s working in your business, and to set some goals for the year ahead. As you kick back over the holidays, set aside some time to think about your recent achievements, and any current challenges. Think about your work style, too. If you’re like many small business owners, you may be guilty of bad habits that can…  Read more

Small business end-of-year planning tips

With the holiday season nearly upon us, it’s wise to set aside some time to tie up loose ends so you can start the new year fresh, organized, and ready to roll. As you prioritise “must-do’s” before taking some well-earned time off, consider adding these end-of-year business activities to your list. Connect with your clients The holidays are a time of shared goodwill—a natural time to reach out to your…  Read more

3 Tips for Working Smarter and Gaining Personal Time

You’ve probably heard the maxim that it’s better to work smarter than harder. Working smarter means allocating your time, energy and money so vital tasks get done more efficiently, freeing up your personal time. Too many business owners think they must keep working harder—taking on more responsibilities and working longer hours—to be successful. It makes sense, because you’re responsible for your business, but that route leads to work overload and…  Read more

How Much Cash Does My Business Need?

Your business needs cash. Cash is what keeps your company in operation and enables it to grow, so you should know how much cash your business needs to survive. Although many people think the answer is linked solely to operating expenses, this isn’t the case. There is no single factor that determines how much cash every business needs to have on hand. Somewhere between 3-6 months of operating expenses is…  Read more

4 Reasons to Switch to Cloud-based Accounting

If you’ve been considering making the move to a cloud-based accounting system, you’re not alone. Cloud technology has impacted many business functions, including making managing financial aspects of your business easier and more efficient. Cloud-based accounting moves your accounting from being hosted on your computer’s harddrive to an online platform. Cloud-based platforms like QuickBooks and Xero offer important features that save you time and money, freeing you up to focus…  Read more

How to Make Work-from-home Work for Your Team

More companies are exploring their options when it comes to employees working remotely. There are numerous reasons for doing so: Increased worker morale More flexibility in work schedules Enhanced cost savings by not paying for office space. With all the benefits, it makes sense that employers are considering whether or not working from home can work for their team. Here are 3 steps you can take to make working remotely…  Read more

Questions to Prepare for When Pitching to Investors

If you’re looking for people to invest in your business, be prepared to answer some important questions. Investors look for smart investment opportunities—that means they want to find out as much as they can about you and your business before they make a decision about whether or not to invest with you. It’s vital to have well thought-out answers to investors’ questions. Give them evidence you’ve thoroughly examined your business…  Read more

4 Tips for Encouraging Repeat Customers

There’s a lot of data supporting the idea that it’s less costly, easier and more efficient to encourage repeat customers than bring in new ones. Among the stats Hubspot lists are that a 5% increase in customer retention is responsible for more than 25% increase in profit; repeat customers are 9 times more likely to convert than first-time visitors; and a 2% increase in customer retention has a similar impact…  Read more

Top 3 reasons start-ups fail and how to avoid them

The start of a business is an exciting time. You’ve got a great idea for a business and are enthusiastic to get started. It’s important to plan ahead to give your business the best chances for success. Planning ahead means anticipating challenges and developing ways to successfully address them, so they don’t upend your start-up. Here are three reasons why start-ups fail and ways you can avoid them Lack of…  Read more

4 Reasons Your Business Should Consider Digital Receipts

Receipts are vital to successfully running a business. You need receipts to track your purchases and expenses. Your clients need receipts for their tax purposes and to manage their finances. Paper receipts have been around a long time, so many people are used to them and may even be resistant to moving away from them. Thanks to technology, paper receipts are becoming more a thing of the past. There are…  Read more

Why Smart Business Owners Never Stop Marketing

One classic mistake business owners make when money gets tight is to stop marketing or cut their marketing budget. At first glance, it seems logical to cut down your expenses during tough economic conditions. However, in reality, it’s the opposite of what you should do. When your business is struggling, cutting your marketing budget will further hurt your business. It is during this time that you should go the extra…  Read more

Bookkeeping Basics for Small Business Owners

On average, small business owners spend 10 hours each week recording, organizing, and processing financial transactions – everything from accounts receivable and payable, to employee payments, expense receipts and supplier invoices. While the process may be time-consuming (and tedious!), effective bookkeeping is the foundation of sound financial management – which in turn, is the lifeblood of your business. Feeling overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork and complex calculations? Here are three…  Read more

Signs You’re Undercharging for Your Work

When it comes to the overall success of your business, one of the most important decisions you’ll face is how to price for the work you do. Charge too much and you could scare away potential customers. Charge too little and you could run yourself out of business. Figuring out how much to charge is stressful, but it’s worth it. If your business doesn’t bring in enough money to pay…  Read more

Collaboration: 5 Reasons It’s Essential to a Growing Company

Many elements are vital to a growing company’s success. A financially-astute leader is one. A confident and motivated sales team well-versed in a company’s product and service line is another. But starting and growing a business requires more than employees with extensive functional skills and appropriate personal characteristics. Growing a business requires collaboration – namely, the deployment of employees in a way that allows them to work together to problem-solve and act…  Read more

Understanding Australia’s Director Identification Number

Director identification numbers are part of the 2020 Budget Digital Business Plan where the Australian government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program. The program is designed to both establish the new Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS), and enhance how businesses register and manage their information with the government. Although the ABRS rolls out progressively between 2021 and 2024, one of the immediate changes is that…  Read more

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